Sunday, September 20, 2009
HeY Peeps, It been long since i blog, was tired of blogging as life were up and low. Never or less, that what life are. Thing do change fast. Never do expect thing to turn out like normally you dream it will be. That which call it reality rather then dream yea ~ Kinda, Miss the day i was back then. Even just the sight of you will be enough. Guess it just all my mistake. Of fooling around never to tresure someone who really wanted. But it all too late now. Since you already made up your mind. Why do you always kept thing in silence not saying any thing. This is much more suffering rather you just shatter thing up fast. Then keeping in silence then it just slowly crack after time had past for an long time. Not in the mood to bring this out D: Off i go ~ Labels: Had infront of you., Tresure the one
11:05 PM
Friday, July 3, 2009
Waoh. almost late today, wake at 6.10 am. Then chiong go wash up. pack bag for IPPT . Sianz sianz ! ever again taking Ippt as usual. After past few day. Not been sleeping well. Thing had just all change for the better ? I don't want to know either. Had been tiring myself up for past. Reach camp bout 7.35 am. lucky can take my IPPT. As usual do own warm up. Wtf !! First station sit-up ! then got 41 sit-up even with extra time, just don't want to do extra more. Next SBJ, as usual 234cm take. Then off to shutter-run, 9.9 sec again. Off to Chin-up !! never did well get 10 count just Gold will do. Given 20 min break before 2.4 start. keep drinking water !! biggest mistake i made ! Time up ! Off to starting point. Stress Stress ~ Don't know will i get pass or for the better silver ? Take my Mp3 with me for the jog As usual starting jog to warm up. letting others run up first was last. Then remember the Smses someone sent me. Its all the motivation all i needed today. Then start to chasing up, reach the Mid-point. Pain coming cause drink too much water. Stitch !! Since already chase so much maintain 2nd runner take the chip to show you had reach the mid-point( Fire-Station) OMG, Msg was beside me taking chips together. For the smses nothing to lose. Chiong ! hard to keep up with Msg. bear with the pain. came in 3rd almost close to 4th. reach back water point. Then then 4th people ask wad mine timing. cause we both too close and Endding point i sprint back. it's 10.55 mins. (Silver) Thanks for the simple smses. But it all i needed to keeps me driving forward not letting go. After the ippt went to Spec-Mess for breakfast. Back to squadrom. See others in smoking coner Join them. And they off to course le. rest awhile more. BTH. My SMELL !! take my belonging off to toilet and had shower. Its so refresh after that. In awhile more time lunch the lunch as usual it suck again ! Reach back home, at 2pm plus was so tire. cause of the past few days i doing or ippt ? went to sleep and back here bloggin ! Labels: Its just simplest thing that it make it happen
6:05 PM
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Hey peeps, HAHA ! it been long since i last post any post. yeah Now in camp just finish a few round pool game. And i lose all the match. Nothing to do, wake up so early and the Kopi-Tiam not all open no breakfast. Hungry hungry now ! Had been stay out late at night for past few days. Not knowing what to do. There always funny feeling as making me dun know what to say. And still carry on for the past. sigh~ Why am i always the slow one or so called lose out one ? Knowing it may not just happen at all. Know her for so long. Might be knowing each other for so long and too close. Should I just tell her mine feeling. Or just stay at it is ? Just don have the answer right now. Sigh again~ Never or less life still goes on. awkward feeling. Signing off~
8:42 AM
Monday, June 22, 2009
Saturday, Waoh. It was the first day, of marina rehearsal. Totally Tire, First reach there. was told our movement was control. Smoke break, Toilet break and lots more. but when our rifle was lock up. We given two hours of break time. To have ours lunch. Guess what. it was KFC !! And a normal KFC only the same was the burger. Still Shroom burger with no shroom sauce ! and a Drumstick and whipped potato. after the break. We walk from F1 pit to marina floating platform. This year, i find the platform was smaller then any other year. went in 1 round and 2round out. We just went for water break without asking permission. End up. Only the left side which was us and navy and army did not went in. Cause Air force is leading the SAF side to march in from both side. Cool ~ we lead ! Ended up got scold by our warrent officer. HAHA ! For making the rehearsal like so funny all three side was in just only our side was not in. As we march out. Wow did'nt know. beside was marina square at back of golden village. Lots of them take photo of us marching out. Hello want take also take on actual day can ? Then bout four pm. it ours second break time for dinner. As usual, went to smoke take Old chang kee it was long queue and can only have one stick of Fishball !! then went to queue for Mr.Bean for soya milk. later when back to our air force holding ground, Our dinner was serve! WTF !! SFI FOOD !!! Sianz half. Then later at 6 went for one Full dress Rehearsal then back to out camp. reach home bout 10.30. SO LATE. Ended up i sleep so early bout 11 plus =S So sry to you know who. did'nt tell you. i went to sleep. Sunday, It was Runway cycle day. Luckly my friend call me to wake me up. =X and was already 5.15 am and need to be in camp at 6 am . So i asked can he fetch me to camp. he agree, so nice of him. First time seated his bike. DAMMIT ! at Flyover he ride 100 plus km/hour. but did not wanna check the speed. Ended up reach camp at 5.45 am. Cool !! NOT LATE ! My IC(Staff) say you let me lose face. cause he bet with other. confirm either one of use was late. Cause was so early and the day before we were in NDP. HAHA. Was late actually. But lucky for me. Bout 7 the gate was open. WOW WOW !! So much crowd came in. Keep taking bicycle to them and change idendification with them. Half way thru, i just ask my buddy let go join them. so we each choose one bike we wan from either of the counter, cause difference counter are belong to difference Bicycle shop rental. But they just only place the bicycle there and we take charge of giving away. Waoh ! the track at first i think only short distance. Ended up. It was 15 km long. but finish up the track in less then 30 mins time. As cycle, looking around there alot accident. people falling off from bicycle or skate fell off. Our poor medic was locate every where in the runway they seem to be busy all day long. As the day finish, the bicycle rental came with their lorry. To take back their bicyle. Only 40 plus of us help to move 1.8 k bicycle back to lorry. Shag all day long. they keep go back and come again cause there were not enough space in lorry for all the bicycle. keep wait for them. Last 40 bicycle ended have to wait again ! Luckly my Flight warrent officer let thoes in NDP and duty yesterday can go off le. xD lucky me again haha ! back home and sleep again... SHAG AND TIRING WEEKEND. but yea it fun ! Monday, Rot whole day, went with friend to polyclinic cause he dunwan go back police post to do duty. So he went to take MC. after that went to tampines 1 to walk around but was all bore with tampines central stuff. Went home early after tat. Boring Monday at starting of the week. Then plan to go for jog. As usual jog 1 round bedok from the staring of my house. Wah ! can't belive my timing. Its 27.33. From starting 40 plus plus drop to 27.33. It still not the fastest. More to improve on. BORE BORE BORE . hahaa !! Just misses BoooredD. Sign off yea !
9:24 PM
Friday, June 19, 2009
starting warm up lesson everything going fine. parking all nicely done. Half way during warm up air con down. having some funny sound. Then aircon down le. Not even cold anymore. nvm then continue. Then after warm up, go in room, wait for tester to take me. Waiting happily then end up my tester is AH NEH lai de. See liao even MOOD LESS. Air con down tester ah neh. Then LL hab to go wif him. starting everything going fine. Then he say turn in for Slope, who know my slope warmup ok. On test then roll back 1m two point gone le. Then nvm continue on, Moving to vertical parking. Wtf can. He only show more forward Hu know he say redo. then i alr in traffic light there le. then reverse go back. keep can't get the line going in. redo like 3 time then over time cos of tat ah neh tester. Cb lar. over time le immediat failure le. lucky 3rd tries, he say i do good enough then no immediat failure. 6 point gone. then move to S course stright after moving off from parking lucky S course not so bad. then after S then move to crank course, also not so bad. after every thing move to 3 point turn. sway lar. all my friend take test dunhab this course i nid do. but 3 point turn was ok. after 3 point then i move to parallel parking. Fk again this time not the always parking slot i take when in circuit. then also kena 2 point deduction cos turing when stop le. 10 Point gone in circuit. then on road even fk up. i heard he say turn left then wan turn left he say i say"TURN RIGHT". in circuit alr got prob wif him le. i dun even train to see number when in circuit end up he keep say, See 12, 14, so on to turn in all i also dunno. keep find number. Moodless then anyhow le. On road detuct 14 point. End up over all 24 point fail by 6 point. ![]() Just Not my day today.
12:13 PM
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Today IPPT , Sianz sia SBJ:234 Shutter run:9.96 Sit Up:40 Chin Up:12 2.4:11.52<12> waste have to retake for silver ippt. never know fail silver timing for tat less time. in airforce too long never run le. Nua men. at least manage to get a pass for taking ippt at 4 pm. Hot and stuffy ! tire gone to sleep again ~
1:11 AM
Sunday, May 17, 2009
After so long of inactive of blogging. Yet back with new look. Yesterday went for Ndp Rehearsal, Yet shag and tire as usual. As training went by it getting close to Ndp 09. Ndp Cheers : Oooooooh ~ wa ! NDP 09. We make it happen. Woah. Lolx ? Sound funny. but have to say it. Hahax ! And dunno actual day dunno i will CO*K thing up. Eg. March wrong step, fall out(faint), or worse do wrong command. xP This year even the Marching Contingent had to even March pass the Singapore President. Normally for every year. Only the GOH had to march pass. But this year even then Marching Contingent also have to do it. And even heard had to do a CITY march pass of 2.8 km ? Wah ! @_@
6:40 AM
Friday, January 30, 2009
After a few lesson. after today. Totally lose interest in driving. After so many round of driving lesson. the forth lesson still stall. WTF ! Did'nt like the stalling part. Have to start the engine then watch the car beside you and back overtake you. today the instructor let me try parking for warming up. was fun. but when it on the road. i totally mess myself up. stall for 3 times and even kena horn 2 times. don like Manual car. stall and the gear ruining everything. 2 more month to my Tp date. And i still can't drive smoothly. Seeing car on the road really making me kan jiong. Of not knowing what to do. lucky there instructor beside me helping me to turn and even pull the hand BRAKE ! Sigh ~ What an bad day after all
3:22 PM
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Hey peeps, I did know that my blog is dead. Just lazy to login and to post some bo liao post like what i now been doing. Just to attertain my Sergeant MKIt been bore for the past few day. Ending upgo collecting Ang Pao. It lame running on street with orange. Going from house to house to visit Why can't like other race. bring nothing ? anyway we don have to wear chi pao( Chinese tradition costume) now all we did can muti colour unlike last time. Only Red and nothing else. Weee ~ ! ~ ! Today, Went to camp. Wtf as usual . Late again . But lucky it not 30Sce 1 min late also is 1 day confine !! what rule is this ? then today also nothing to do in camp. not even attain SODB? then after breakfast. went for smoke break . OTOT. stay out talk and ended have 3 cig. then went back sleep till lunch then wake. have fried rice,satay,fishball,chicken wing and last i dunno what vegetable is that. after lunch then again went to smoke as usual ? then go back office sleep again till 5 . wait for EODB( end of day brief ) End up there dun even have ? Then went home sleep. Wooohoo ! Tml is my 4th lesson for car ! Sign off
10:31 PM
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Today wake up at 6.40. wash up ! then take cab to PLAB. Reach there meet up the contractor to bring me to AMS HQ. To draw my GE set. Was totally blur of not knowing what to do. As it was my first time escort. Then hab to ask lot of thing. End up Sgt write note for me to read up. HAHA. went in the airfield. Totally a hot weather. And even try drive the contractor lorry. LMAO !! then when lunch, the contractor bring me out base to eat Duck rice. He treat LOLS !! Then later go back base finish up the painting work. Halfway father call say it my grandma Birthday. End up den go . End of day coontractor bring me outside busstop. So i can hab near by bus to go home faster . To: MK Dun ask me do another Full day escort again. Tiring !!! SHAG Sign off
8:46 PM
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Today so bo liao .. In the morning hab to attain Etiquette course to present better self. How to talk,act,hear last but not least smell =.= Even teach us how to eat in Fine Dining.. Etiquette dine Didnt know need to behave so much in public.. Like i would use it !! after that bore go back flight also do nothing ... BORE BORE BORE sign off
7:12 PM
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Today, wake at 8 am .. prepare thing to go for prac lesson for my car. When driving is totally not like my normal self !! RAWR !! The instructor say i keep dun dare chiong Grrr.. Today the route is somewhere behind the state land then turn round. Tmd .. stall 2 time !! now then i know driver very mafan de .. hab to check so many blind spot . I check every thing . then turn up the motorist is beside me can see him, when i wan turn left . Heng de is my instuctor help me turn back .. Muahahahs ~ The motorist heng i miss him. Super the sinaz de.. after Kc went into Ns . then rest all go and work . Everything like die down . Counting down to april 2nd . I think i sure fail at the rate i driving now . Nid controll the clutch then gear then gas Pedal Blink spot check .. RAWR !! why driving so mafan !! Counting Down till Kc date release ! Chinese New year
5:41 PM